Sustainability – we recognise that by operating in the transport / distribution sector we have an important part to play in reducing our impact to the environment. We are proactive and transparent in tackling this issue, becoming more sustainable, and in turn, a better Company.
Pallet deliveries – carbon neutral.
APC deliveries – certified to the ISO 14001 Environmental Standard across all sites and support the Department of Transport by participating in a 10 year pilot scheme trialling extended length trailers. The test vehicles are independently monitored over the course of the programme to log carbon emissions and safety records.
Electric vehicles – we frequently research the types of vehicle available and are committed to fully switch to electric as soon as possible. Currently – we plan delivery schedules to optimise routes and use fuel efficient vehicles which are regularly maintained and serviced.
In the warehouse – we are committed to a waste recycling scheme, actively ensuring recyclable products are discarded appropriately, we’re fitted with energy saving light bulbs and sensor lighting to minimise energy usage and we arrange for recycling of empty plastic kegs and cardboard boxes on behalf of Clients. We minimise paper use wherever possible and only use 100% recycled printer paper. Our current energy tariff is outside of our control but any future re-location or switching opportunity will use 100% green energy tariffs.
Local brewery collections – when compared to other sales platforms / distributors who may initiate a courier collection and onward delivery on a per sale / item basis, our service saves thousands of journeys by combining all collections on a weekly basis. This is further enhanced with the option for local breweries to stock with us too.
Carbon emissions – we continue to explore new ways to reduce and eliminate our carbon emissions. Our environmental objectives and targets are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis and we will consistently base all our actions on sustainability principles to protect our planet and future. Our aim is to reduce / eliminate your carbon footprint as a Client and in turn, ours as a Company as well.
The team – all staff are committed to being conscious about the environment and the Company impact. Drivers automatically ask for recycling on every local delivery and we are increasing the number of opportunities for home working too.
Get in touch – we would love to hear from our Clients on how we can improve what we are doing around sustainability or if you would like to work with us in mitigating the carbon emission of purchases – please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Sustainability updates and further information will be added to this page.